Board Members

Back Row: Tiffany Guillory-Hood, Jenny Luedecke-Wester, Nansii Downer, Angie Akmakjian, Front Row: Cecilia Long, Suzana Delgado-Gray, Phil Beckman Melinda Johnson and Kim Pinter (not pictured)

Jenny Wester - Camp First First Texas
President of the Board of Directors

The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee as well as make all public statements on behalf of the organization.  The President shall appoint the chairs of the Audit and any Special committees, and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees excluding the Nominating Committee.  

Alma Mora-Pohler - Fort Worth ISD
Vice President of Memberships

The VP of Membership oversees the Membership Committee and is in charge of recruitment, provide meeting hosts, maintain a current membership roster and provide periodic roster updates to the membership.

Cecilia Long - Tarrant Area Food Bank
Vice President of Communications

The VP of Communications shall be responsible for the oversight and implementation of the association's website and social media outlets and oversees the Communication Committee.  

Kirsten Branson - City of Grapevine
Vice President of Programs

The VP of Programs oversees the Program Committee and is responsible for all programs, meeting locations and lunches.  

Jacob Wright - Camp Fire First Texas
Board Secretary

The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee. The secretary coordinates the distribution of all meeting notices.  The Secretary chairs the Historical Records/Archives Committee. 

Bryan Partika - Texas Christian University
Board Treasurer

The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of the organization's income and disbursements acknowledge receipt of funds, make appropriate payments in accordance with the budget.  The treasurer shall make available a written monthly Treasurer's report, as well as the annual financial report after each fiscal year.

Judy Treacy - Girl Scout of Texas Oklahoma Plains
Hospitality Chair

The Hospitality Chair is responsible for arranging meeting locations and meals for members on a monthly basis. This person works closely with the Vice President of Programs and Membership to ensure adequate support is provided.

Madeline Oliver - City of Grapevine
Professional Development Workshop Chair

The PDW (Professional Development Workshop) Chair shall oversee the annual day of development workshop on volunteer management. They will also have to adhere to approved PDW budget and chairs the PDW Committee.

Angie Akmakjian - Northeast Tarrant Chamber of Commerce
Past President of the Board of Directors

The Past President acts as an advisor to the entire Board of Directors and provides guidance and support in order to follow the By-Laws.  The Past President serves as a member of the Executive Committee.